If the Son therefore shall make you free, YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED.
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be really free!" (Jn. 8:36 ISV)
Dynamic and powerful Words! Aren't they? But are they reliable? Certainly! These are neither the words of a beer guzzler nor a day dreamer. These Words are authentic because of the source - where they emanated from; I mean the Personality or Reputation of the speaker.
He is the One whose Words can never fall to the ground. "For he spoke, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast" (Ps. 33:9). He spoke the universe into existence by the Word of His power.
His Words pierced through the darkness of the grave, and reverberated across the region of hell; shaking it to its very foundation to release Lazarus from the clutches of death, who was held bound by it for good four days.
When He declared: "... Lazarus, come forth!" (Jn. 11:43), the power of the grave was broken immediately, and death had no choice but to loose its hold over Lazarus. His Word is the final authority!
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever! (Heb. 13:8).
"He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions" (Ps. 107:20).
Listen, He is sending His Words to you right now! The Words of Healing, the Words of Deliverance and the Words of Freedom!
"For He has broken down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron (Ps. 107:16 BSB).
Before we were born again, we served as slaves of Satan, sin, and spiritual death, but no more! Glory to God! We've been set free! Our sins were laid upon Jesus. And when we became New Creations in Christ Jesus, we received the "... Abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.
We who were the defeated and conquered ones now rule and reign as Kings in the realm of life on earth.
If the full import of that ever dawn on the Church, we'll rise and put the devil on the run! That's why Paul prayed that we would receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation In the knowledge of God (Eph. 1:17,18).
Freedom from sin and its consequences, is the central theme of the gospel. Fear is one of the consequences of sin that Jesus has delivered us from (Col. 1:13), but it's amazing that many of God's dear children are still held bound by this terrible spiritual menace.
You must realize that fear is a spirit that comes to trouble, tempt, and harass you. It doesn't matter what kind of fear. It could be the fear about tomorrow, fear about living or dying, fear about disease, fear about anything whatsoever. But if you don't deal with fear it can inhibit and incapacitate you, and finally put you under perpetual bondage.
You have to close the door on fear. You have to say to it: "Fear, I resist you in the Name of Jesus! I refuse to fear. It is written, Resist the devil, and he'll flee from you. Therefore, you must leave!"
That's the way you have to deal with the devil. You have to speak to him and resist him in Jesus'Name.
When you exercise your authority like that based on a revelation of God's Word, the devil has to flee.
You may not be able to stop the devil from knocking on your door, so to speak. But you can certainly keep him from gaining entrance into your life.
No Christian could ever be demon-possessed. That would be impossible, because the Holy Spirit dwells within the believer's spirit.
However, a demon spirit can attack and sometimes get into the body or mind to oppress a believer if the person doesn't know how to keep the devil from trespassing.
When the devil tries to enter through the door of fear, remind him of God's Word. Then use your authority as a believer and resist him in the Name of Jesus!
Freedom! That's exactly what Jesus purchased for you in the redemption. Total freedom from sin, Satan, sicknesses, diseases and fear are guaranteed in Christ Jesus.
So you don't have to be terrorized any more by Satan and his agents. You have been set free to walk in victory over principalities and powers!
World Overcoming Faith Gospel Ministry Inc.
Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
☎️ +234(0)803-551-8255
We see a Vibrant And Victorious Church firmly, and securely built on the Solid Foundation of God's Word. Jesus is coming for a Glorious Church. A Church triumphant; A Church walking in the fullness of the victory that our Lord Jesus Christ purchased for us at Calvary.
We exist to bring the Saints to a place of intimacy with God. A place where they can relate with God personally, and intimately; A place where they can build their own faith in God, and stand on their two feet spiritually, regardless of the circumstances, and thus become a bold, and effective witnesses of His redeeming love, grace and power!
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