Hebrews 5:1,4 NET
1. For every high priest is taken from among the people and appointed to represent them before God...
4. And no one assumes this honor on his own initiative, BUT ONLY WHEN CALLED TO IT BY GOD...
Don't go into the ministry out of personal ambition. Don't go into the ministry because your friends or relatives encouraged you to do so. Don't go into the ministry as a last resort just because you felt there is no hope elsewhere.
There is a divine call to the ministry: "And no one assumes this honor on his own initiative, but only when called to it by God... (Heb. 5:4).
You must first ascertain whether or not the call of God is on your life. It is disastrous to venture into the work of the ministry without a calling from God.
If you are called of God, you won't need anyone to tell you or prophesy to you. Prophecy can only confirm the call if it is there in the first place, but prophecy can't make you a minister if the call of God is not on your life.
You won't need anyone to tell you if are called of God. You will know it in your spirit, and there won't be any doubt about it.
There is a place of preparation for the ministry. You don't enter into the fullness of God's purpose for your life overnight. If God calls you, He will train, prepare and equip you.
There are certain lessons to be learned in the place of preparation. It's a place of character development and growth into maturity. You must go through the due process before God can trust you.
Paul did not step into the apostolic office at the initial stage of his ministry. He started out as a preacher and teacher before God eventually called him into the apostolic ministry, after he had been proven and found faithful (Acts 13:1,2,).
God is not in the business of putting novices into ministry offices, yet we have some self-acclaimed "Apostles" and "Prophets" today, who are doing more harm than good because they lack the spiritual ingredients. And worse still, some charlatans have invaded the modern day pulpit, so to speak. These are outright heathens, confirmed witch doctors and occultists functioning as "Prophets" in disguise.
Find out God's purpose for your life, and be glued to it till He says something else. Stay the course and avoid distraction. Don't be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Busyness does not equal success.
Don't let anyone define success for you. Success is a relative term, and it depends on who is defining it. Your success doesn't depend on what someone else has or what they are doing; it doesn't depend on your peer, so don't be under pressure or obligation to do a thing just to impress someone, and also avoid falling into the enemy's trap - the temptation to get involved in the ongoing popular religious rat-race or competition which leads to an endless confusion.
Get all the degrees and all the titles you can, but don't be title-crazy, but rather be mission-minded. Have a heart for people. You can't claim to be a pastor without a Shepherd's heart - a caring heart. And you can't claim to be an evangelist without passion for souls.
Your title won't matter at the end of the day, but the impact you've made on people will live on as an investment of eternal value.
"And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever (Dan. 12:3).
Maintain a right motive, and keep your heart pure. Be a true Shepherd, and not a hireling, trickster, or swindler who is motivated or driven by fame, clamour for recognition and materialism.
Don't take the grace and mercy of God for granted. Relying on the grace of God to cover our continuing errant ways demonstrates an absence of the fear of God.
Honor God with your body and flee from immorality. Once saved, stay saved.
It doesn't matter how you started; it matters how you finish. Would you finish strong? Would you finish well? Would you receive a rousing reception from Jesus?
Revelation 2:25-29 ISV.
25. Just hold on to what you have until I come.
26. To the person who conquers and continues to do what I've commanded to the end, I will give authority over the nations.
27. He will rule them with an iron scepter; shattering them like clay pots.
28. Just as I have received authority from my Father, I will also give him the morning star.
29. Let everyone listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.
World Overcoming Faith Gospel Ministry,
Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
VISION: We see a vibrant and victorious Church, firmly and securely built on the solid foundation of God's Word. Jesus is coming for a glorious Church; a Church triumphant; a Church walking in the fullness of the victory that our Lord Jesus Christ purchased for us at Calvary.
MISSION: We exist to bring the Saints to a place of intimacy with God; a place where they could relate with God personally, and intimately; a place where they could build their own faith in God, and stand on their two feet spiritually regardless of the circumstance, and thus become a bold, and effective witness of His redeeming love, grace and power.
๐ฉ overcomersworldmedia@gmail.com
☎ +234(0)803-551-8255
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