"We having the same SPIRIT OF FAITH, according as it is written, I believe, and therefore have I spoken; WE ALSO BELIEVE, AND THEREFORE SPEAK" (2 Corinthians 4:13).
The principles of faith are taught, but the spirit of faith is caught.
The spirit of faith is a pioneering spirit. It is adventurous, bold, sturdy, tough, unrelenting, undaunted and unperturbed by the circumstances.
It's calm, cool and collected in the midst of the most tumultuous situation; it's persevering in nature.
The spirit of faith dares the impossible. It steps out over the aching void with nothing underneath, but God's Word alone.
The spirit of faith is not boastful, arrogant, proud and mean. It's quiet, meek, lowly and loving, " worketh by love (Gal. 5:6), and yet it's a Dynamo that is capable of blasting off the most gigantic mountain!
Faith laughs in the midst of the storm; it sings for joy in the midst of tests and trials and it shouts the victory even when the chips are down!
A person of faith is unstoppable. Faith always have the victory! The spirit of faith is a winner any day - it wins in the long run! "... and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (1 Jn. 5:4).
Stumbling blocks are stepping stones to a person of faith. He is wired to weather every storm. Faith can snatch the victory out of apparent defeat.
"Sometimes life seems like a dark tunnel with no light at the end, but if you just keep moving forward by acting on God's Word alone, your faith will light it up when you get there!
The spirit of faith is expressed by speaking God's Word alone even in the midst of seemingly hopeless and impossible circumstance
"We having the same SPIRIT OF FAITH,...I believe, and therefore have I spoken..."
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