1 JOHN 5:11,12 ISV. 11. This is the testimony: GOD HAS GIVEN US ETERNAL LIFE, and THIS LIFE IS FOUND IN HIS SON. 12. THE PERSON WHO HAS THE SON HAS HAS THIS LIFE. THE PERSON WHO DOES HAVE THE SON OF GOD DOES NOT HAVE THIS LIFE. It's Christmas again! That time of the year when millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with dining and winning, visits, gift-exchange, festive parties etc. These aspects of the season are fun and should be enjoyed, but it is so easy to get swept away in the excitement or the whole rigamarole of Christmas celebrations, and lose track of the spirit and essence of what this season is all about - JESUS CHRIST! HE IS THE REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON. Jesus may not have been actually born on Christmas day but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that a Saviour has been born "To Save His People From Their Sin (Matt. 1:21). He was born to give Eternal Life to those who will receive Him (Jn. 1:21). Eternal Life is the God...