1 CORINTHIANS 1:9 NET God is faithful, by whom YOU WERE CALLED INTO FELLOWSHIP WITH HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Christianity could rightly be defined as "the outward expression of the life of Christ,the Risen Lord who lives within the believer." Christianity means "Christlikeness." Christ is a person, and not a religion. Christianity is a "call into fellowship or friendly relationship with Christ the Living Saviour." Many people think that going to church occasionally or simply believing in God makes them a Christian. But the Bible presents a different perspective and definition of a Christian. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! It is not rituals, ceremonies, or sacraments. It is a personal, spiritual, loving relationship with a real loving Saviour, Jesus Christ. What makes you a Christian is not baptism, confirmation, or any other form of religious rites. What makes you a Christian is "...CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glo...