(Redeemed From The Curse - Delivered From The Power Of Darkness!) GALATIANS 3:13 CSB CHRIST REDEEMED US FROM THE CURSE of the law by by becoming a curse for us, because it is written, curse is everyone who is hung on a tree. COLOSSIANS 1:13 NET HE DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS and transferred us to the Kingdom of the Son he loves. The word "redeem" conveys the idea of being bought from the slave market. It also implies being saved from sin and its attendant consequences. In Christ Jesus, every believer has been bought from the slave market of spiritual bondage to the devil so to speak. Through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus Christ conquered the power of sin, Satan and the grave! "And set free those who were held in slavery all their lives by their by fear of death" ( Heb. 2:15). The Bible is God speaking to us today. And its a matter of utmost importance that we pay an undivided attention to what the Bible has to say, especially about the redem...